Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports


Statement on Return to Community Sport

COVID-19 is having a significant impact across our community and all our codes. The desire for community sport to return to play this year in 2020 is strong. A possible return to play is being carefully planned for by our sports in collaboration with many health experts, government bodies, and other stakeholders.

We share a mutual strong commitment in multi-sport participation at the community level and seek to avoid local participants having to choose between sports with overlapping seasons. The issue of venue access at community level is one that all codes are committed to assisting those planning ground use. We also encourage decisions to be made locally according to local conditions and considerations and we are encouraging our local associations and clubs to work together to achieve agreements. We believe that our biggest supporter of local participation, being local government, will appreciate this collaborative position

As we know our sports at the community are run by volunteers. COVID-19 is placing even greater demand on volunteers in these circumstances and we are all striving to make this as easy as possible.

All our sports have a significant and positive role to play in the recovery and health of many of our communities across Australia. We believe that community sport is critical to the wellbeing of the Australian way of life and collectively we can make a difference.

Download the COMPPS Statement on Return to Community Sports

The Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports (COMPPS) is the united voice of Australia's seven major professional and participation sports:

Each of these organisations is the governing body and custodian of a major professional sport in Australia. They are not-for-profit bodies and are responsible for the long-term development and sustainability of their sport in Australia.


COMPPS CEOs meeting with Prime Minister
COMPPS CEOs Meeting in Canberra, on 24 May 2017
with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

L-R (above): David Gallop (FFA), James Sutherland (CA), Malcolm Speed AO (Executive Director, COMPPS), Marne Fechner (NA), Kate Palmer (ASC), Gillon McLachlan (AFL), Craig Tiley (TA), Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Todd Greenberg (NRL), Bill Pulver (RA)

COMPPS CEOs meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull


COMPPS members provide a wide range of public benefits through a self-funding business model. The vast majority of their revenue is devoted to enhancing, promoting and developing sport for all Australians. Sport is entrenched in the Australian way of life and plays a major role in the economic and social health of the Australian community.

The role of COMPPS is to provide a collective response on behalf of its member sports where their interests are aligned. Where the sports have a common interest, COMPPS responds with a collective submission.

COMPPS' Mandate

©2025 Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports Association Inc | Incorporation No. A0056112U

Website by Hope Stewart—Website Design & Management